Restaurants, Hotels and How They’re All Out to Screw Me.

I live my life with several guiding principles.  98% of humanity is basically good,  the other 2% are truly evil, and Restaurants and Hotels always try to give you the worst table or worst room. I have done many personal studies on this subject and always I am proven right.  Luckily, my wife shares these…

Ode to the Red Buddha

The Red Buddha left us today.  That is Sophie, Soph, Sophie Girl, My Big Red Dog, or any other names that escape me right now.  Sophie was not just a dog. Next to my wife, she was my best friend, and a good part of the glue that has held me together for almost fifteen…

I Had My DNA Tested – Italian, Not So Italian…

For my Birthday last year, my wife decided to buy me a vial to spit into and send for DNA testing. I waited six months (or slightly procrastinated,) misplaced the paperwork during a move and generally didn’t get around to it until Christmas. I mean, I knew what I was already. I have a German…